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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Comparison of RADIWOW R-108 and TECSUN PL-380

Сравнение RADIWOW R-108 и TECSUN PL380

   I conducted a comparison of RADIWOW R-108 and PL-380 in terms of RSSI and SN ratio of both receivers. My test results are as follows. If I were allowed to criticise  RADIWOW R-108, I would say RADIWOW R-180 is still a developing receiver, but it is close to completeness. 

  Я провел сравнение RADIWOW R-108 и PL-380 с точки зрения соотношения RSSI и SN обоих приемников. Мой вывод таков. Если бы мне разрешили критиковать RADIWOW R-108, я бы сказал, что RADIWOW R-180 все еще находится в стадии разработки. (by Google translation for Russian friends)

 RADIWOW R-108とTECSUNのPL-380の受信性能を比較してみました。結果は以下に示すとおりですが、もし、RADIWOW R-108を私が評価してもいいのなら、R-108はまだ発展途上のラジオだと言いたいです。マイナーな問題が解決できればいいラジオになると思うのですが。

I heard that there are still some individual differences among RADIWOW R-108s. This test was conducted on only my purchased receivers.

注意:今回の評価は、あくまでも私が購入したラジオによるものです。RADIWOW R-108には個体差があるように聞いています。

1. General feature

  RADIWOW R-108 is smaller than TECSUN PL-380, and I like RADIWOW R-108 has a small tuning dial at the right side of the receiver. Tuning feeling is much better than that of TECSUN PL-380.  I prefer the external antenna input employed to RADIWOW R-108 too. Two anti-slip rubber at the bottom of RADIWOW R-108 is excellent.  I also want to tell you that RADIWOW R-108 can receive AIR band.

RADIWOW R-108は、TECSUN PL-380よりも小型です。RADIWOW R-108のチューニングダイヤルはいいですね。チューニングフィーリングも良く、TECSUN PL-380より快適にダイヤルチューニングできます。またR-108には外部アンテナ入力が付いているのもいいですね。R-108の底についているゴムの滑り止めもなかなか良いです。R-108にはAIRバンド受信機能も付いています。

Photo 1. RADIWOW R-108  and TECSUN PL-380

Photo 2. Side panel and bottom of RADIWOW R-108
You can see the external ANT input.

2. FM Reception

  Both receivers work well, and I don't feel any significant difference between them. Even though the audio at the high-frequency range above around 10kHz of TECSUN PL-380 is slightly better than that of RADIWOW R-108, the sound from the speaker of RADIWOW R-108 is easy to listen. You can choose RADIWOW R-108 as your companion of FM reception during your trips.
どちらの受信機も良く受信します。特に大きな違いは無いように感じます。TECSUN PL-380の音の方が、10kHz程から上のオーディオレンジで、RADIWOW R-108より若干良くなっていますが、スピーカーから出る音は、RADIWOW R-108のほうが聞きやすいです。旅行先でのFM局の受信にRADIWOW R-108を使うのは「あり」だと思います。

   The comparison of pink-noise sounds between RADIWOW R-108 and TECSUN PL-380 (The 6-second audio from the beginning is from RADIWOW R-108 and the latter is from TECSUN PL-380. You can notice that TECSUN PL-308 has better high-audio range than RADIWOW R-108. )

FMのピンクノイズを両者で比較してみました。前半6秒がRADIWOW R-108、後半6秒がTECSUN PL-380の音です。前述したとおり、PL-380のほうが、若干高域が向上しているのがわかります。

If you cannot play this audio this is due to google drive policy. Please try it after several days.


Photo 3. FM reception test at my balcony
(I set each receiver independently.)

Figure 1. Comparison of RSSI of received FM radio stations
(The maximum value in about 20-seconds observation)

Figure 1. Comparison of SN ratio of received FM radio stations
(The maximum value in about 20-seconds observation)
Photo 4. FM reception test in my room
(I set each receiver independently.)

Figure 3. Comparison of RSSI of received FM radio stations
(The maximum value in about 20-seconds observation)

Figure 4. Comparison of SN ratio of received FM radio stations
(The maximum value in about 20-seconds observation)

3. SW Reception

  Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to catch many SW radio stations. But I felt something unstable sensitivity of RADIWOW R-108 among SW bands. In terms of SW radio stations that I caught to do the comparison of both receivers, The RSSI of TECSUN PL-380 was always better than that of RADIWOW R-108. When any button is pushed buzz noise occurs during SW reception.
  In terms of speaker sound, the intelligibility of TECSUN R-380 is much better than that of RADIWOW R-108, but the sound of RADIWOW R-108 is better for a long time listening.  If you want to dabble a RADIWOW R-108 for SW listening during your trip, it will be a good choice, but I don't recommend you to use the RADIWOW R-108 for serious SW DXing.

残念ながら、十分な時間がなかっため、沢山の短波放送局を受信することができませんでしたが、感度については、RADIWOW R-108に不安定さを感じました(BAND間で違いがあるように感じました。※15.0MHzのBPM受信)また今回受信による比較では、TECSUN PL-380の方が受信電圧は常に高い状態でした。さらに短波受信中に何かボタンを押すと、ブブブと雑音が出ます。スピーカー音の比較では、了解度はTECSUN PL-380が上ですが、長い時間のリスニングには、RADIWOW R-108の方が良いように思います。もし、旅行先でちょっと短波受信にRADIWOW R-108を使ってみる分には、R-108はいい選択肢になると思いますが、まじめにSW DXingするためのものとしてはお勧めはしません。

  I conducted a test by setting each receiver independently at my 7th-floor balcony. I only used each whip antenna for this test.
Figure 5. Comparison of RSSI of received SW radio stations
(The maximum value in about 20-seconds observation)

Figure 6. Comparison of SN ratio of received SW radio stations
(The maximum value in about 20-seconds observation)
The SN ratio indication of SW reception seems to be up to 25 dB.

4. MW Reception
  Both receivers work well to listen to "local" MW radio stations. There is a significant difference between them in terms of RSSI and SN ratio. However, in terms of receiving weak MW signals with fading, the sound level change of RADIWOW R-108 is very natural compared to TECSUN PL-380. I felt the sound of TECSUN PL-380 for that case is bouncing and fluttering. I don't like the fluttering sound. 
You can choose RADIWOW R-108 as your companion of MW reception during your trips, and it could be worth to modify the R-108 as an ultra-light radio for MW DXing even though there are some minor problems as follows.

どちらの受信機も、中波ローカル局は良く受信してくれます。受信電圧や受信SN比に関して、両者に大きな違いは感じません。しかし、受信レベルが低く、フェーディングが伴う信号の受信においては、RADIWOW R-108の方がTECSUN PL-380と比較して受信音がとても自然です。こういった場合のTECSUN-380の受信音は弾んでいるようなフラッタリングを伴った音になります。私はこの音は好きではないですね。
旅行先の中波局受信にRADIWOW R-108はいい相棒になると思います。また以下に述べるマイナーな問題はありますが、中波DX用のウルトラ・ライトラジオへの改造についてもやってみる価値はあるかと思います。

  Several minor problems observed in "MY" RADIWOW R-108.
私が購入したRADIWOW R-108には、次のマイナーな問題がありました。
  • Strange noise sound syncronizing RSSI indicator like " Tik-Tik"
  • This noise is also be heard in AIR band too.  Please watch the video below.

  • Strange signal attenuation about 10-15 dB after BAND selection 
  • When I push the BAND button and change the band like MW->SW-> AIR-> FM-> LW-> MW, the received signal level is attenuated to 10-15dB. After turning off the R-108 and turning on it, the signal level is recovered.

Photo 5. MW reception test in my room
(No-interference for RSSI between the two receivers was observed.)

Figure 7. Comparison of RSSI of received MW radio stations
(The maximum value in about 20-seconds observation)

Figure 8. Comparison of SN ratio of received MW radio stations
(The maximum value in about 20-seconds observation)
The SN ratio indication of MW reception seems to be up to 25 dB.

Monday, February 11, 2019

極寒の2月にABC 4QD 1548kHzを聞いて真夏を感じた話

 2月10日夕刻から11日朝にかけて、東京はこの冬一番の冷え込みだった様子ですが、TDXC(戸塚DXer's サークル)の仲間と神奈川県茅ヶ崎市の柳島キャンプ場で中波DXペディションをおこないました。キャンプ場の小屋を一棟貸し切って、TDDFアンテナを南方向に張り、南太平洋方面の中波局受信を楽しみました。キリバス、インドネシア、オーストラリア、フィリピン等、昨年同時期と比較して多数の局が入感していました。今回は、ペディションの中でも楽しめた、中波DX局の入門局としてもおなじみの常連局、クイーンズランド州、エメラルドから送信しているオーストラリア国営放送ABCの中波局4QD-1548kHz(50kW)について書こうと思います。








Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter on 1860 KHz

The Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter 


  One of my MW DXer friends LFT-san (His nickname) and I have shared SDR files. I have sent him my several SDR files that I recorded in eastern Hokkaido MW DX-pedition last November.

MW DXerの知り合いの一人であるLFTさんと私は、以前お互いのDXペディションで記録したSDRのファイルをシェアしあっていたのですが、先週、LFTのさんから、”シェアしてもらったファイルの中でとてもめずらしい局が1860kHzで聴こえていたよ”と連絡をブログのコメント欄でいただきました。LFTさん、情報ありがとうございます!!

Last week, LFT san told me that he found a unique radio station on 1860kHz in my files that I sent to him.  Thank you very much for your information LFT san!!

   We received this unique radio station on 1860kHz at around 08:00 UTC near the coast in eastern Hokkaido Japan on Nov.25 in 2018.  I am wondering anyone in Japan except us has already caught this station.  Here is the video clip of receiving this station in eastern Hokkaido.


You can hear "On the gateway 1-60Meter Radio Newsletter, you're listening to WA0RCR, Wentzville, Missouri on ... 18-60kHz. ARRL News follow next news radio on 1-60 Meter Radio Newsletter from WA0RCR, Wentzville, Missouri."

   This radio station is operated by an amateur ham operator Vern Jackson, WA0RCR in Wentzville, MO U.S.A. to serve the 42 states and 6 Canadian Provinces from Wentzville, Missouri on 1860 KHz AM. and it broadcasts in Saturday morning 10AM until 3:30AM Sunday (Central time) on 1860 KHz. This station has a history for more than 27 years. I haven't known this radio station until LFT san told me and I am so surprised that the station's transmitting power is the only 378W!   This radio station broadcasts ARRL amateur radio news to its service area.


   I have emailed him about our reception here in Japan with this short video clip.  I am looking forward to hearing from him very soon.


Friday, February 8, 2019


 昨年から、購入を検討していたminiVNA Pro2を一式発注しました。日本国内のショップで買うより、ドイツのWiMo Antennen und Elektronik GmbHから購入した方が格段に安いです。(支払いはユーロで現地決済)これ、Bluetooth内蔵なので、ワイヤレスで、データの取得等が可能とのこと。ただ、このVNAは、Bluetooth対応フリーソフト(BlueVNA)に未対応との情報がありましたので、開発者にメールで問い合わせ中です。(本家サイトには、ユーザーレポートとして「動いている。」という報告もありましたが...。)


 今年は、これでインピーダンスマッチング用のトランス等、実験・製作してみようと思っています。あと中波DX用アンテナも! 実験結果等はこのブログで紹介していきます。下の動画は、Kevin Loughin(KB9RLW)さんによる、紹介ビデオです。

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

SONY CRF-1という受信機

 SONY CRF-1という受信機は、1980年代に、SONYが唯一出した通信型受信機だったと記憶しています。値段は当時の価格で248000円だったはず。中学生の自分には手が出るはずもなく、当時羨望のまなざしでパンフレットを眺めていました。当時販売されていた月刊短波誌の受信機性能評価でもJRCのNRD515と互角の評価を得ていたはずです。確か中波DX界でもなかなかの性能を発揮したとも聞いています。


SONY CRF-1(正面)



ONY CRF-1(別の角度から)




Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Design of impedance matching transformer (1)

 This year is expected to be the best year of MW DXing for the first time of 11 years. So I am planning to build D-Kaz antenna by myself.  I need to make an impedance matching transformer that converts the antenna impedance around 800 ohms to 50 ohms of the input impedance of SDR effectively.
  To design the transformer, I needed to review a reactance circuit with mutual inductance.  I read some textbook that I used to refer to in my college days a long time ago.

  Figure1 shows an impedance matching circuit using a transformer. The resistance of each coil is ignored.

Figure1 an impedance matching circuit using a transformer 
From this figure, the following formulas can be obtained.

(These formulas are revised on Feb.6 2019)

  From these formulas, I can understand that a primary impedance Z1 is matched by secondary impedance R2 by the ratio of primary and secondary coil turns. However, the following condition is required to let the circuit work properly.

 I am wondering what multiplier α should be applied to obtain reactance of L1.
I am trying to find the clue to decide α in several references and textbooks.

According to the paper of "Impedance Matching Transformers for Receiving Antennas at Medium and Lower Shortwave Frequencies" written by Bill Bowers, John Bryand and Nic Hall-Patch, They say that the reactance of primary winding coil may be found by multiplying the impedance of the antenna to be matched by a factor of 4. They are unaware of any empirical data that has been published to support the value of this particular multiplier being equal to 4. During Bill Bower's study of impedance transformer design for LF use, his data support a K value much more nearly 6.

 I am still struggling for understanding how to design the impedance matching circuit using a transformer.  I would very appreciate if you could give me any suggestion.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Samurai Champloo - Shiki No Uta (HQ)


Friday, February 1, 2019

MONDO GROSSO / Labyrinth

  Hikari Mitsushim's voice is very transparent and soothing. Her voice and MONDO GROSSO's music release my stress away. I am feeling like I want to be diving in this music world.  This video clips on youtube cannot be played on my blog because the content is from Avex.  But I recommend you to listen to this song.

Hikari Mitsushima from MONDO GROSSO / ラビリンス