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Friday, March 22, 2019

Taitosaki MW DX-pedition in spring

 春の太東崎MW DXペディション   

    I enjoyed MW DX-pedtion with my friends of TDXC at Taitosaki on the seaward side of Chiba prefecture on March 21. The MW condition was not good. I checked the SDR data roughly after I came home and I could hear these regular MW stations of the U.S. as follows.  There were a lot of carriers on 10-kHz separation but the signal levels were weak. I wish the station on 1220kHz was KQMG.


My Log is as follows. Time is Japan Standard Time (UTC+9hours) 

567   KGUM          18:59:55 "K-57 KGUM Agana Guam"
630   4QN             Non-ID but continuous program in Australian English. 
630   KUAM        18:02:02 "Isra 63" 
680   KNBR           18:00:05 "KNBR" 
710   NBD("HY")  
780   KNOM          18:59:56" KNOM.. 2a.m."
801   KTWG          19:01:13" KTWG AM800"
850   KICY            Russian language and music
980   CKNW          17:59:56 "..entertainment station .. at"
1010 CBR             18:00:00 "CBC News.."
1040 CKST           18:01:52  "TSN10-40 iHeartRadio station" 
1070 CFAX           18:00:04  "C-FAX"
1100 KFAX           18:59:54 "KFAX San Francisco"
1110 KFAB           18:00:14 "11-10 KFAB.."
1120 KPNW          18:00:00 "KPNW Eugine"
1130 CKWX          19:00:00 "CKWX"
1160 KSL             18:00:00  "KSL"
1220 KTMG or KQMG 19:00:00 very weak.
1310 KMKY          18:50:00 "KMKY AM 13-10 Oakland San Francisco"
1310 KXIL            18:00:00 ".... Idaho"    
1320 CHMB          18:00:00 "This is CHMB AM 13-20"
1380 KRKO          18:59:23 ”KRKO Everrt”
1410 CFTE           17:59:52 "CFTE AM Vancouver iHeartRadio"    
1420 KKEA          19:00:04 "KKEA Honolulu"
1470 CJVB           17:59:50 "CJVB"
1480 KGOE          18:00:01 "KGOE"
1500 KHKA          19:00:00 "News radio KHKA Honolulu"
1540 KREA          18:00:00 "This KREA Honolulu 15-40"
1540 KMPC          18:00:00 "Radio Korea KM..15-40"
1550 KRPI           18:00:00 "You're listening to 15-50 AM KRPI.."
1600 KVRI           19:00:04 "KVRI"

  We were mainly digging MW TP-DX stations in grey line zone time(from around 18:00 to 19:00 J.S.T.)

Grey line zone time started from around 18:00 J.S.T.


jos_nqn said...

Great log, all North Us stations

Fumiaki MINEMATSU said...

Thank you jos_nqn-san for your comment. We hope to dig more MW DX stations in the U.S. from Japan this year.

Steve McDonald said...

What time are you showing in the logs ... UTC or ?


Fumiaki MINEMATSU said...

Steve-san the time is JST (UTC+9).
I will add the time of UTC soon. Than you for your comment.

Steve McDonald said...

Thank you Fumi-san. It seems then that you are hearing our west coast stations very early in your evening! How interesting. Some of these stations are my local pests!

Steve VE7SL Mayne Island, BC

Fumiaki MINEMATSU said...

Steve-san, I added the grey line zone on March 21 too. We were digging many MW TP-DX stations in the U.S. when we were in the zone.

Steve McDonald said...

Fumi-san thank you. Most interesting. Our usual best time for BC-Japan is just around our sunrise.